The Marble Steps leading up to the Church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome (1814 – 1816)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg's painting "The Marble Steps leading up to the Church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli in Rome" (1814 – 1816) is a stunning example of his meticulous attention to architectural and human detail, embodying the serene yet vibrant spirit of Rome. This artwork captures a daily scene at the grand staircase of the Santa Maria in Aracoeli, strategically positioned on the Capitoline Hill, one of Rome's seven hills.In the painting, Eckersberg portrays the steps bathed in soft, natural light, highlighting the rich textures of the marble and the surrounding architecture. The broad steps draw the viewer's eye upward towards the church's simple yet imposing facade. To the right and left of the steps are statues of lions, symbols of strength and guardianship, enhancing the historical significance of this religious site.The foreground of the image teems with life: people of various ages and attires go about their routines, suggesting the everyday importance of this location to the locals. A woman in a pink dress carries a water jug, passing two lion sculptures that embellish an ancient fountain, a centerpiece that symbolizes Rome's longstanding relationship with water and public utilities.In conveying both the grandeur of the architectural setting and the candid moments of its visitors, Eckersberg's work invites viewers to appreciate the enduring allure of Rome — a city where the echoes of the past seamlessly blend with the vibrancy of present life.


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Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (2 January 1783 – 22 July 1853) was a Danish painter. He went on to lay the foundation for the period of art known as the Golden Age of Danish Painting, and is referred to as the "Father of Danish painting".