Paris Street Rainy Day

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Paris Street; Rainy Day" by Gustave Caillebotte is an evocative and masterfully composed realist painting that captures a slice of urban life in Paris in the late 19th century. The scene depicted is the intersection of the Rue de Turin and the Rue de Moscou, on a rainy, overcast day. The artwork, painted in 1877, is renowned for its attention to detail, subdued color palette, and the use of perspective.In the painting, various figures traverse the cobblestone-covered street, shielded from the rain by their umbrellas. The focal point of the composition is a couple walking in the foreground. The man, clad in a black suit, top hat, and holding a black umbrella, walks beside a woman who wears a long, fitted gray dress and a hat, also carrying her own umbrella. Their attire and demeanor suggest they are of the middle or upper class, confidently navigating through the urban environment.Around them, other city dwellers go about their day, interacting minimally, which emphasizes the anonymity and isolated nature of urban life. The figures are rendered with such realism that they seem almost lifelike, yet their faces and expressions are subtly obscured, adding to the sense of fleeting encounters in a busy city.The architecture of Paris, with its Haussmann-style buildings, provides a grand and ordered backdrop, characterized by uniform façades and harmonious streetscapes.


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Gustave Caillebotte (1848–1894) was a French painter who combined impressionist and academic styles in his artworks. Despite the fact that he is considered a great impressionist artist today, his posthumous reputation was not as significant. Most of his paintings were kept by his family and not exhibited nor reproduced until the late 20th century. His artworks depict scenes from Parisian streets, modern urban environments, as well as rural country scenes and flowers.