Roter Amaryllis (1931)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Christian Rohlfs' beautiful painting "Roter Amaryllis" captures the striking essence of the Amaryllis flower with an exceptional vibrancy and expressive ease. The artwork, created in 1931, exemplifies Rohlfs' mastery in handling color and form to convey emotion and atmosphere.In this exquisite piece, Rohlfs uses a limited but intense palette predominantly featuring shades of red and orange to depict the fervent blooms of the Amaryllis. The bold strokes of red are complemented by subtle hints of yellow, adding depth and dimension to each petal. The artist's brushwork vividly portrays the flowers in a dynamic state of unfurling, suggesting movement and life within the static medium.The stems, elegantly rendered in tones of blue, balance the fiery hues of the petals. This use of complementary colors not only enhances the visual impact but also imbues the piece with a sense of harmony and balance. The background, rendered in a soft, neutral shade, accentuates the vibrancy of the Amaryllis, allowing the flower to take center stage."Roter Amaryllis" is a testament to Rohlfs' ability to transcend traditional botanical illustration, offering instead a spirited and almost abstract interpretation of nature. This painting is not merely a representation; it is an emotional expression, mirroring the artist's intimate perception and innovative approach to art. Collector and gallery visitors alike will appreciate this piece for both its aesthetic beauty and its place in the exploration of early 20th-century modern art.This painting offers a look into the transformative period of Christian Rohlfs' artistic career, where he embraced more abstract influences and focused on the power of color and form.


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Christian Rohlfs (November 22, 1849 - January 8, 1938) was a German painter and printmaker, one of the important representatives of German expressionism.