Bomen (1929)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Frits van den Berghe's 1929 painting "Bomen" offers a captivating take on the conventional depiction of trees. In this work, the artist propels the viewer into a world where organic forms are transformed into surreal, towering structures. The painting boasts a palette rich in reds, oranges, and browns, a choice that exudes warmth and gives depth to the vertical elements that dominate the canvas.At first glance, these elements suggest industrial pipes, but a closer look reveals a complexity that nudges back to the natural world. The cylindrical forms mimic the trunks of trees—stoic and enduring, yet abstracted to a point where they speak more to the emotions they evoke than to any literal representation. The bark texture, highlighted by streaks of blue and black, adds to the visual rhythm, while geometric accents such as triangles and circles hint at a modernist influence."Bomen" is an intriguing blend of the industrial and natural realms, a testament to van den Berghe’s exploration into expressionism and surrealism. This painting not only challenges perceptions of what trees might symbolize but also underscores the artist’s innovative spirit in reimagining the boundaries between the real and the abstract.


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Frits Van den Berghe (3 April 1883 – 23 September 1939) was a Belgian expressionist and surrealist painter and illustrator.