Westfälische Landschaft (1913)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The 1913 masterpiece "Westfälische Landschaft" by German Expressionist Christian Rohlfs evokes the vibrant essence of the Westphalian landscape through a daring interplay of color and form. In this painting, Rohlfs abandons traditional representations of landscapes to explore the emotive power of color. The artwork is bathed in vigorous strokes of blue, green, and orange, which intertwine to create a dynamic scene that seems almost to pulsate with life.The brushwork in "Westfälische Landschaft" is loose and expressive, suggesting the wild, organic growth of vegetation rather than depicting it literally. Shapes that hint at leaves and branches dominate the canvas, but their real significance seems to lie in their color and the feelings these evoke. This approach is characteristic of Rohlfs after he embraced Expressionism, where the emotional impact of color and the texture of the paint itself often took precedence over representational accuracy.This painting, with its abstract quality and bold use of color, is a vivid example of Rohlfs' mature work, in which he transcended the visible world to articulate a deeper, more resonant vision of nature.


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Christian Rohlfs (November 22, 1849 - January 8, 1938) was a German painter and printmaker, one of the important representatives of German expressionism.