Les Sabots (1768)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Les Sabots," a captivating painting from the Rococo period, was masterfully created by François Boucher in 1768. Set within a lush, idyllic landscape, this oval-shaped artwork draws the viewer into a playful and tender moment between a young couple.The scene is imbued with a sense of romanticism and natural beauty that is typical of Boucher's work. The woman, elegantly attired in a flowing dress with soft pastel tones, sits gracefully on the grass. Her expression is one of gentle amusement as she teases her companion with a flower. The young man, dressed in a vivid red waistcoat and relaxed attire, lounges beside her, gazing up with affection and a smile that suggests familiarity and fondness. This interaction captures a moment of flirtation and intimate connection, framed by the tranquility of their surroundings.Scattered around them are a pair of wooden clogs (sabots) and a basket filled with flowers, hinting at a pause in their rural activities to enjoy each other’s company. The backdrop is a verdant forest, rich with foliage and dappled light filtering through the trees, enhancing the dreamy quality of the tableau.François Boucher, known for his sensual and vivid portrayal of pastoral scenes, presents a vision of love and leisure that resonates with the viewer through its timeless charm and exquisite detail.


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François Boucher (1703–1770) was a French painter, engraver, illustrator and printmaker. He was a proponent of Rococo and had a huge influence in spreading the style throughout Europe. His art was idyllic and voluptuous with a high-toned palette of blues and pinks. He created designs for all decorative arts, porcelains and tapestries. Boucher also painted several portraits including his patroness Madame de Pompadour. He is one of the most celebrated decorative artists of the 18th century.