Portrait of Karen Bramsen (1897 – 1898)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are delighted to present the serene portrait "Portrait of Karen Bramsen" by the Danish artist Vilhelm Hammershøi, painted between 1897 and 1898. This portrait exudes a quiet solemnity, characteristic of Hammershøi's works, which are known for their subtlety and understated elegance.The subject, Karen Bramsen, is depicted in a contemplative pose, looking to the side rather than directly at the viewer. This angle adds a mysterious quality to her expression, enhancing the overall mood of introspection. She is dressed in a traditional dark outfit with a white ruffled collar that frames her face, drawing attention to her thoughtful expression.The painting's palette is muted, typical of Hammershøi's style, utilizing a range of soft grays and blacks that convey a sense of calm and stillness. The background is minimalistic, devoid of any detailed setting, which focuses the viewer's attention entirely on the subject herself."Portrait of Karen Bramsen" is a testament to Hammershøi’s mastery of capturing the essence of his sitters. It offers a glimpse into the inner world of Karen, suggesting an emotional depth beneath her reserved exterior.


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Vilhelm Hammershøi, often spelled Vilhelm Hammershoi in English, was a Danish painter. He is known for his poetic, subdued portraits and interiors.

Vilhelm Hammershøi was born in 1864. Copenhagen, Denmark. The son of a wealthy merchant Christian Hammershøi and his wife Frederikke (née Rentzmann), Hammershøi studied drawing from the age of eight with Niels Christian Kierkegaard and Holger Grønvold, as well as painting with Vilhelm Kyhn.