A lesson in perspective (1909)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Ehrhart's "A Lesson in Perspective," crafted in 1909, presents a visually engaging illustration that explores themes of societal and political scrutiny. The painting is a vibrant and dynamic portrayal of a lineup of businessmen and government officials, each marked by labels such as "Sugar Trust Director" or "High Government Official," which provide a satirical commentary on the entwined relationships between corporate power and political governance.In this artwork, the characters are arranged in a receding line, diminishing in size to illustrate the artistic technique of perspective, which adds a depth that pulls the viewer’s eye towards the 'Eye of the Law' in the background. This all-seeing eye symbolizes the vigilant gaze of justice and accountability over these societal figures. The expressions of surprise and concern on the faces of the characters, as they turn to look at the eye, underscore a moment of revelation or judgment.The effective use of colors, from the dark suits of the characters to the contrasting bright background, enhances the dramatic impact of this illustration, making it not only a piece of artistic merit but also a profound, critical commentary on early 20th-century American socio-political landscapes.


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American cartoonist and illustrator born in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, Ehrhart received his education in the New York City school system. Subsequently, he studied art in Munich. His work appeared in Harper's Monthly (1878-79), Puck (1880, and 1888-1913), and Judge (1887). He died in Brooklyn, New York on October 26, 1937.