Elisabeth von Nast-Kolb, geb. Hardegg (1874)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Anton Romako’s 1874 painting "Elisabeth von Nast-Kolb, geb. Hardegg" provides an exquisite insight into the artistry and character portrayal of its era. The painting captures a young woman, Elisabeth, gracefully holding a glass vase filled with a varied arrangement of flowers. She is depicted in a moment of delicate interaction with the flowers, her fingers gently touching the blossoms as if admiring their beauty.Dressed in a rich and darkly-toned velvet gown with elaborate lace detailing around the sleeves, Elisabeth exemplifies both elegance and refinement. Her hair is styled in an ornate updo typical of the period, further accentuating her noble bearing. The look in her eyes conveys a pensive yet engaging demeanor, suggesting a lady of both thoughtfulness and presence.The background of the painting, muted and nondescript, helps in focusing the viewer’s attention on the vivid details of her face and the tactile textures of her attire and the flowers. Romako's mastery in capturing the interplay of light with different surfaces highlights his exceptional skill and makes this painting a captivating study of its subject.This piece not only reflects the aesthetic values of the 19th century but also serves as a poignant reminder of the individual stories and subtle intricacies contained within each brushstroke.


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Anton Romako (20 October 1832 – 8 March 1889) was an Austrian painter.