Murnau – Mountain landscape with church (1910)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Murnau – Mountain Landscape with Church" by Wassily Kandinsky, painted in 1910, is a vibrant and expressive landscape painting reflecting the artist's transitional style moving towards abstraction. In this piece, Kandinsky renders the alpine scenery around the village of Murnau, where he spent the summer of 1908, utilizing bold, non-naturalistic colors and dynamic, simplified forms that convey the emotional and spiritual responses triggered by the landscape.The painting showcases sweeping areas of vivid color that abstract the natural forms of the landscape. Mountains and hills are depicted with strokes of blue, green, yellow, and pink, while the sky is rendered with a dramatic swirl of turquoise and light cream colors, adding a dreamlike effect to the scene. The church, a typical element in Bavarian landscapes and often a motif in Kandinsky's Murnau paintings, appears almost as a quaint detail amidst the sweeping forms, painted white with touches of red on the roof.This painting offers a tremendous sense of movement and transformation, evoking the profound impact nature had on Kandinsky’s artistic evolution. The bold application of paint and the patchy yet harmonic use of color contribute to the painting’s overall feeling of vibrancy and energetic life. The composition reflects his move towards abstraction, where the emotional and spiritual expressions take precedence over realistic representation, setting the stage for his future pioneering works in abstract art.


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Wassily Wassilyevich Kandinsky was a Russian painter and art theorist. Kandinsky is generally credited as the pioneer of abstract art. Born in Moscow, Kandinsky spent his childhood in Odessa, where he graduated at Grekov Odessa Art school. He enrolled at the University of Moscow, studying law and economics. Successful in his profession—he was offered a professorship (chair of Roman Law) at the University of Dorpat today Tartu, Estonia)—Kandinsky began painting studies (life-drawing, sketching and anatomy) at the age of 30.