A la campagne (1883)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"A la campagne" (1883) by Carl Larsson is a pastoral masterpiece that transports viewers to the tranquil simplicity of rural life. Painted with a keen eye for detail and a profound sense of place, this artwork encapsulates the serene rhythms of country living.The painting portrays an elder woman in a garden feeding chickens, an everyday scene imbued with a sense of timeless rustic beauty. The setting is a sunlit courtyard bounded by aged buildings, whose fading colors suggest the passage of time and a life closely intertwined with nature. A sparse yet resilient tree reaches upwards in the center, symbolizing the stoic endurance of rural life.Larsson's use of soft, natural light and muted tones evokes a nostalgic feel, capturing a moment that feels both intimate and expansive. The composition's calm and deliberate pacing invites contemplation, reflecting the slow and rhythmic lifestyle that defines the countryside.Perfectly embodying the essence of 19th-century rural settings, "A la campagne" is not just a visual journey, but an emotional reflection on the simple, yet profound beauties of everyday rural tasks and the natural world that cradles them.


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Carl Olof Larsson (28 May 1853 – 22 January 1919) was a Swedish painter representative of the Arts and Crafts movement. His many paintings include oils, watercolors, and frescoes. He is principally known for his watercolors of idyllic family life. He considered his finest work to be Midvinterblot (Midwinter Sacrifice), a large painting now displayed inside the Swedish National Museum of Fine Arts.