Lisbeth as the Evil Princess in the Fairy Tale ‘Fågel Blå’ by P.D.A. Atterbom (1900)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Carl Larsson, a beloved Swedish artist renowned for his watercolors of home and family life, brings to life a scene from P.D.A. Atterbom's fairy tale "Fågel Blå" (Blue Bird) in his painting "Lisbeth as the Evil Princess". Created in 1900, this artwork captures a whimsical moment filled with narrative richness and delicate details.In this serene outdoor setting, we see a vibrant depiction of Lisbeth, dressed opulently as an evil princess. Her costume, lavish and intricately detailed, contrasts strikingly with the simplicity of the garden around her. The princess stands assertively yet gracefully, gazing off into the distance with a seemingly reflective posture, adding a subtle complexity to her character.The environment around Lisbeth is peaceful and inviting. A carefully set table with tea, surrounded by chairs, waits under the gentle shadow of a house's wall, suggesting a pause in action or a quiet space for contemplation. To the right, a group of observers peeks through a rustic blue fence, their expressions ranging from curiosity to amusement, indicating their engagement with the unfolding story.Larsson's use of soft, pastel-like colors and light infuses the painting with a dreamy quality, typical of his works. This choice of palette not only highlights the fairy tale theme but also enhances the gentle quality of a summer afternoon. Plants gently sway, and the setting feels alive, yet tranquil, forming a perfect backdrop for a fairy tale depiction.This painting is not only a tribute to Swedish literary culture but also an embodiment of Larsson's skill in portraying everyday scenes with a magical twist.


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Carl Olof Larsson (28 May 1853 – 22 January 1919) was a Swedish painter representative of the Arts and Crafts movement. His many paintings include oils, watercolors, and frescoes. He is principally known for his watercolors of idyllic family life. He considered his finest work to be Midvinterblot (Midwinter Sacrifice), a large painting now displayed inside the Swedish National Museum of Fine Arts.