Azalea (1906)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to an enchanting glimpse into Swedish artist Carl Larsson's world with his striking work, "Azalea", painted in 1906. This painting is a vibrant celebration of nature and domestic beauty, characteristic of Larsson’s light-filled and colorful artistic style.The artwork features a scene set against a sunlit window, where the serene figure of a woman is subtly positioned beside a lush, blooming azalea plant. The striking pink flowers of the azalea draw the viewer's eye, serving as the painting's central focus. They are depicted with delicate brush strokes, emphasizing their soft, voluminous texture and varying shades of pink.To the left, the background reveals a glimpse of an artist's studio with a wooden loom and colorful tapestry in progress, suggesting a space of both home and creative labor. The inclusion of other greenery and a detailed depiction of the interior adds depth and richness to the scene, blending the indoors with the natural beauty of the flowers.Larsson's use of light and transparency through the glass panes not only illuminates the scene but also highlights the intricate detail with which he approached both subjects and surroundings. The woman, elegantly clad in a traditional dress, poses with a grace that complements the overall tranquility of the setting."Azalea" is more than a mere floral portrait; it is an intimate portrayal of domestic harmony and the beauty of everyday surroundings.


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Carl Olof Larsson (28 May 1853 – 22 January 1919) was a Swedish painter representative of the Arts and Crafts movement. His many paintings include oils, watercolors, and frescoes. He is principally known for his watercolors of idyllic family life. He considered his finest work to be Midvinterblot (Midwinter Sacrifice), a large painting now displayed inside the Swedish National Museum of Fine Arts.