Venice, Santa Maria della Salute from San Giorgio (1895)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Venice, Santa Maria della Salute from San Giorgio," painted in 1895 by French artist Eugène Boudin, beautifully captures the serene and picturesque essence of Venice. The painting portrays a vivid and expansive view of the Grand Canal, leading the gaze directly towards the majestic Santa Maria della Salute. A masterpiece of baroque architecture, the church stands proudly, its domed silhouette dominating the skyline against a softly rendered sky. Boudin's adept use of light and color breathes life into the scenery, highlighting the shimmering reflections on the water and the subtle nuances of the sky.Foregrounded in the composition is a gondola, a quintessential symbol of Venice, adding a dynamic element to the otherwise tranquil waterscape. Boudin's brushwork subtly articulates the gentle sway of the boat and the relaxed posture of its occupants, which contrasts with the bustling activity on the distant quayside, marked by tiny figures and moored boats.This painting not only captures the physical beauty of Venice but also embodies the transient moments of daily life, encapsulated from the unique perspective of the island of San Giorgio.


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Eugène Louis Boudin (12 July 1824 – 8 August 1898) was one of the first French landscape painters to paint outdoors. Boudin was a marine painter, and expert in the rendering of all that goes upon the sea and along its shores. His pastels, summary and economic, garnered the splendid eulogy of Baudelaire; and Corot called him the "King of the skies".