Sechs Enten auf dem Wasser unter Ufersträuchern (1905)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Alexander Koester's painting titled "Sechs Enten auf dem Wasser unter Ufersträuchern" (1905), which translates to "Six Ducks on the Water Under Shore Shrubs," portrays a serene and naturalistic scene that instantly captivates the viewer. In this artwork, Koester meticulously captures a group of six ducks gracefully floating on the shimmering surface of a pond. The play of light and shadow, intricately detailed through Koester's masterful brushstrokes, enhances the realism of the water and the lush greenery surrounding it.The painter's use of vibrant colors and varied textures brings each duck to life, showcasing their individual personalities and natural movements. The reflections in the water are painted with a harmonious blend of whites, greens, and browns, mirroring the ducks and the overhead foliage. This particular painting exemplifies Koester's profound ability to depict animals in their natural habitats, a theme recurrent in his works, revealing his deep appreciation for the tranquil beauty of nature."Sechs Enten auf dem Wasser unter Ufersträuchern" is not just a visual treat; it invites the viewer into a moment of peaceful contemplation, offering a glimpse of the serene rhythms of nature untouched by the human hand.


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Alexander Max Koester (10 February 1864, Bergneustadt - 21 December 1932, Munich) was a German landscape and animal painter. He specialized in scenes with ducks.