Transatlántico Constructivo (1936)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Transatlántico Constructivo" (1936) by Joaquín Torres-García is a captivating example of the artist's signature style, which merges elements of Cubism and ancient indigenous art of the Americas with a strong adherence to a structural grid pattern. In this particular work, the painting is divided into a series of distinct, yet interconnected blocks and rectangles that bring to mind the fragmented imagery of a bustling port or a cityscape viewed through a kaleidoscope.The dominant colors used—bold reds, blacks, and yellows against a stark white background—create an eye-catching contrast, inviting the viewer to delve deeper into the geometric maze. Notably featured at the center of the composition, the word "ANTICO" possibly suggests something ancient or revered, accompanied by a compass-like symbol with the letter 'N' denoting North, which together may point to navigation and travelers crossing the Atlantic.Elements that resemble various objects such as ships or architectural forms can be viewed within the abstract framework. These, coupled with a vibrant palette and dynamic shapes, evoke the feeling of movement and the interconnectivity of the old and new worlds, perhaps reflective of Torres-García’s own transatlantic experiences between Europe and South America.This painting is not just a visual exploration of form and color, but a symbolic representation of cultural synthesis and the historical narrative of exploration and discovery.


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Joaquín Torres García was an Uruguayan/Spanish artist. He was born in Montevideo, Uruguay on July 28, 1874. As an adolescent he emigrated to Catalunya, Spain,where he initiated his career as an artist in 1891. For the next three decades, he embraced Catalan identity leading Barcelona’s and Europe's art and culture to its utmost vanguards. A ‘renaissance or universal man’; painter, sculptor, muralist, novelist, writer, teacher and theorist.