Poultry Market at Gisors (1885)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Poultry Market at Gisors" (1885) by Camille Pissarro is a vibrant and lively representation of everyday life in the late 19th century. Exhibited at our gallery, this painting invites viewers into a bustling market scene in the small town of Gisors, France.Pissarro, a master of Impressionism, captures the essence of the market with a flurry of colors and rapid brush strokes that convey movement and the candid moments of daily activity. The scene is filled with townspeople, mostly women, engaged in the buying and selling of poultry. The varied expressions and postures of the figures suggest a blend of busyness and social interaction, characteristic of a public marketplace.In the foreground, a woman examines the poultry laid out before her, indicating the practical and transactional nature of the scene. Surrounding her are other characters, each absorbed in their activities, creating a tapestry of community life. The use of light and shadow, along with the dynamic composition, pulls the viewer’s eye across the canvas, making us feel as if we are part of the crowd.This painting not only provides a visual documentation of rural French life but also highlights Pissarro’s skill in portraying the vibrancy of an ordinary day with extraordinary appeal.


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Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where other people see nothing. — Camille Pissarro

Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) was born on St.Thomas (now the US Virgin Islands) to a Portuguese father and a Dominican mother. He went to Paris to study art at Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He was an early pioneer of pointillism and neo-impressionism and later became a mentor of many famous impressionist painters including Cezanne, Manet, Renoir, and Gauguin. His paintings depicted rural and urban French landscapes and lifestyle. Many of his works politically captured images of peasants and laborers. Today, he is considered the father of impressionism.