Marie (Marie, Daughter of the People) (1918)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Marie, Daughter of the People," painted in 1918, is an exquisite work by the Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani, renowned for his unique approach to portraiture. Characterized by elongated faces and necks, Modigliani’s style blends modern aesthetic with classic techniques, making his artworks distinctively recognizable and deeply expressive.In this particular painting, the subject, Marie, is depicted with Modigliani's trademark elongated and simplified facial features, which evoke an introspective serenity. Her face, set against a roughly textured background of earthen brown and shades of faded white, highlights her presence, drawing attention to her calm, centered gaze.Marie is dressed in dark clothing, with a high-collared garment that suggests modesty and simplicity, resonating with the title "Daughter of the People." Her delicate lips are painted a vivid red, offering a splash of color in contrast to her otherwise muted appearance. The cheeks are touched with a rosy hue, giving life to her complexion against the dark and neutral tones.This painting is not just a portrait; it is a narrative of grace and quiet strength, a glimpse into the soul of a young woman who embodies the spirit of the people. Modigliani's skill in capturing the subtle complexities of human expression is fully realized in this mesmerizing artwork, making it a masterpiece worth revering.


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Born in Livorno, Italy, Modigliani (1884-1920) later moved to Paris in 1906. There he was acquainted with many great artists including Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris, and Constantin Brancusi. Inspired by the artworks of Edvard MunchPaul Cézanne, and Toulouse Lautrec, Modigliani has developed his signature style: portraits and sensual nudes with long, simplified forms, and elongated mask-like faces featuring eyes with no pupils.