Colombes et lis, étoffe imprimée. (1897)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to an exploration of "Colombes et lis, étoffe imprimée" (1897) by Maurice Pillard Verneuil, a masterpiece of Art Nouveau design that exemplifies the movement's enchanting interplay of natural forms and stylized aesthetics. This captivating work features a harmonious composition of doves and lilies, intricately woven into a seamless pattern that alludes both to natural beauty and artistic ornamentation.In the painting, multiple doves are depicted in various states of flight, their broad wings spread elegantly against a richly decorated background. The birds’ white plumage stands out amidst the lush, golden hues of the blooming lilies and ornate foliage that fill the space with vibrant life. The doves, symbols of peace and purity, are portrayed with a graceful serenity, enhancing the tranquil motif.The lilies, with their blossoming petals and flowing lines, provide a luxuriant texture that contrasts with the smoothness of the doves. The use of a warm, golden palette highlights the natural elegance of the scene, emphasizing a sense of depth and dimension within the flatness typical of textile designs.Every element in "Colombes et lis, étoffe imprimée" is meticulously detailed, showcasing Verneuil's skill in creating a balanced and visually appealing design that remains functional yet artistically profound. The piece is not just a design; it is an expression of Art Nouveau’s ideals, celebrating the beauty found in nature and the exquisite rendering of it through human craft.


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Maurice Pillard Verneuil was a French artist and decorator in the Art nouveau movement. He was born in Saint-Quentin, France. Maurice Pillard Verneuil learned his trade from the Swiss designer Eugène Grasset. Maurice Pillard Verneuil then went on to become a well-known artist and designer. He was inspired by Japanese art and nature, particularly the sea. He is known for his contribution to the art deco movement and, in particular, his use of bold, floral designs in ceramic tiles, wallpapers and other furnishing textiles.