Rougets, vitrail. Libellules et monnaie du pape, étoffe. (1897)

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Welcome to a closer look at Maurice Pillard Verneuil's "Rougets, vitrail. Libellules et monnaie du pape, étoffe." (1897), a captivating example of Art Nouveau design that brilliantly highlights the era's fascination with nature and decorative arts.This exquisite artwork radiates with a deep admiration for the natural world, a common theme in the Art Nouveau movement. Verneuil employs a stained-glass style, dividing the composition into framed segments that enhance its decorative appeal.On the left, the viewer is greeted by two elegantly depicted red mullets (rougets) intertwined with aquatic plants. The fish are rendered in a stylized form, with elongated bodies and sharp, almost geometric angles that convey movement and fluidity. The use of bold, earthy hues of yellow, green, and dark blue intensifies the dynamic and organic feel, transporting the viewer into a serene, underwater tableau.To the right, there is a complementary panel featuring a pattern of dragonflies (libellules) and honesty seeds (monnaie du pape) overlaid on a fabric-like texture. This section is a testament to Verneuil's skill in pattern design, where the repetition of motifs creates a rhythmic, almost hypnotic visual experience. The dragonflies, with their delicate, translucent wings, contrast beautifully against the round, silvery seedpods of the honesty plant.Collectively, these two panels not only showcase Verneuil's mastery over color and form but also his ability to translate the intricacies of the natural world into decorative motifs that speak to both aesthetic finesse and a deeper, symbolic connection to nature.


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Maurice Pillard Verneuil was a French artist and decorator in the Art nouveau movement. He was born in Saint-Quentin, France. Maurice Pillard Verneuil learned his trade from the Swiss designer Eugène Grasset. Maurice Pillard Verneuil then went on to become a well-known artist and designer. He was inspired by Japanese art and nature, particularly the sea. He is known for his contribution to the art deco movement and, in particular, his use of bold, floral designs in ceramic tiles, wallpapers and other furnishing textiles.