Vrouwelijk naakt bij venster

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The profound and compelling artwork titled "Vrouwelijk naakt bij venster" (Female Nude at the Window) by Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita presents a unique exploration of form and mood through the medium of printmaking. This monochrome piece showcases a female figure positioned directly in front of a window, bathed in the contrasts of light that both highlight and shadow her form.Using a delicate interplay of light and darkness, Mesquita masterfully creates a sense of depth and texture that accentuates the contemplative nature of the subject. The woman, depicted with solemnity and a sense of introspection, peer out, possibly symbolizing a moment of personal reflection or vulnerability. The stark geometrical patterns of the window frame and the textural gradients of the background contribute to an almost ethereal setting, isolated yet exposing.Mesquita, known for his detailed and often expressive etchings, employs a style that conveys emotion through simplicity and stark contrasts, making "Vrouwelijk naakt bij venster" an evocative piece that invites viewers to delve into the intimate space of its subject.


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Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita was a Dutch graphic artist active in the years before the Second World War. His pupils included graphic artist M. C. Escher (1898–1972). A Sephardic Jew, in his old age he was sent to Auschwitz by the Nazis, where he was gassed along with his wife. After the war, de Mesquita was largely forgotten.