Portrait of Paris Maurizio (1859)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This exquisite portrait created by the renowned Polish artist Jan Matejko in 1859, depicts the dignified Paris Maurizio. Known for his deft handling of historical and personal themes, Matejko here captures Maurizio in a contemplative mood, set against a subdued background that enhances the focus on the subject.Maurizio is portrayed mid-chest upward, wearing a lavish fur coat that speaks to the status or possibly the penchant for luxury of the sitter. His attire also includes a stark, crisply white shirt coupled with a formal bow tie under a dark, well-tailored jacket. The fur, with its rich texture and deep color, contrasts strikingly with the smoothness of his bald head and the soft, subtle rendering of his face.Matejko’s skill in portraiture is evident in his rendering of Maurizio’s expression. There is depth in his slightly downturned eyes and the set of his mouth, suggesting a man of contemplation or concern. This psychological depth is a staple of Matejko’s portraits, which often reveal more about the personality of the sitter than their social status alone might convey.The painting invites viewers to delve into the historical and personal context of the era, and to consider the life and experiences of Maurizio, making it not just a visual delight but a piece loaded with narratives waiting to be explored.


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Jan Alojzy Matejko was a Polish painter, a leading 19th-century exponent of history painting, known for depicting nodal events from Polish history. His works include large scale oil paintings such as Rejtan (1866), the Union of Lublin (1869), the Astronomer Copernicus, or Conversations with God (1873), or the Battle of Grunwald (1878). He was the author of numerous portraits, a gallery of Polish monarchs in book form, and murals in St. Mary's Basilica, Kraków. He is considered by many as the most celebrated Polish painter, and sometimes as the "national painter" of Poland.