Study of a recIIning horse (1875)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In this remarkable artwork by the Polish artist Jan Matejko, titled "Study of a Reclining Horse," we encounter a powerful depiction of a horse, rendered with impressive attention to detail and emotion. Created in 1875, this painting showcases Matejko's skill in capturing the dynamic forms and complex textures of his subjects.The horse, the central figure in this piece, is portrayed with a rich, deep brown tone that highlights its muscular structure and the glossy sheen of its coat. The composition is principally focused on the head and front quarters of the horse, suggesting a moment of rest or a pause in movement. The animal's mane is detailed with energetic strokes, creating a sense of wildness and vitality, while the rest of the body smoothly transitions into the unfinished background, leaving the edges of the canvas bare and sketch-like.Matejko's use of light and shadow not only emphasizes the anatomical features of the horse but also invokes a sense of depth and volume. The incomplete sketches visible at the bottom of the canvas provide a fascinating insight into the artist's process, offering a glimpse of the evolution from initial sketches to the final, more refined depiction of the magnificent creature.This painting not only reflects Matejko’s exceptional ability to portray animals with realism and sensitivity but also serves as a testament to his mastery in using oil on canvas to convey texture and form.


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Jan Alojzy Matejko was a Polish painter, a leading 19th-century exponent of history painting, known for depicting nodal events from Polish history. His works include large scale oil paintings such as Rejtan (1866), the Union of Lublin (1869), the Astronomer Copernicus, or Conversations with God (1873), or the Battle of Grunwald (1878). He was the author of numerous portraits, a gallery of Polish monarchs in book form, and murals in St. Mary's Basilica, Kraków. He is considered by many as the most celebrated Polish painter, and sometimes as the "national painter" of Poland.