Clymene (1892)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Delve into the serene beauty of "Clymene," a captivating masterpiece from 1892 by the eminent Victorian Neoclassicist painter John William Godward. This exquisite piece showcases Godward’s exceptional ability to blend classical ideals with a modern sensibility, creating a timeless work that continues to enchant and inspire.In "Clymene," we witness an ethereal woman, draped in a flowing golden robe adorned with delicate blue and purple accents, standing against a backdrop of a tranquil sea and a clear sky. The setting, likely inspired by the Mediterranean, adds a layer of calmness and vastness to the scene. The woman leans gracefully against a marble balustrade, her pose relaxed yet full of a subtle, introspective elegance. Her gaze is directed away from the viewer, as she holds a peacock feather fan, adding a touch of exotic luxury to her ensemble.Her attire and demeanor suggest she may be a figure from mythology, possibly a representation of Clymene, a nymph known from Greek mythology, imbuing the painting with a sense of narrative and historical depth. The precision in the rendering of her dress and the softness of her curly hair highlight Godward’s skill in capturing textures and the interplay of light and shadow."Clymene" is more than just a visual treat; it is a portal to a world of serene beauty, evoking a sense of longing for an idealized, bygone era. Perfect for those who appreciate art that combines historical richness with breathtaking aesthetics, this painting remains a testament to Godward's mastery of technique and his unique artistic vision.


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John William Godward was an English painter from the end of the Neo-Classicist era. He was a protégé of Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, but his style of painting fell out of favor with the rise of modern art.

Godward was born in 1861 and lived in Wilton Grove, Wimbledon. He was born to Sarah Eboral and John Godward (an investment clerk at the Law Life Assurance Society, London).