When The Heart Is Young (1902)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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John William Godward's enchanting painting, *When The Heart Is Young*, embodies the serenity and beauty characteristic of the late Victorian Neo-Classicism. This exquisite artwork, painted in 1902, marvelously captures the idyllic connection between youth and nature through its vivid depiction.The focal point of the painting is a young woman reclining gracefully on a marble bench, her pose relaxed and contemplative. Draped in a flowing gown with sumptuous pink and blue hues, the fabric showcases Godward’s impeccable attention to texture and color. Her dark, flowing hair cascades elegantly onto a soft, beige fur—perhaps that of a leopard—adding a touch of wild elegance to the scene.Behind her, a lush, meticulously rendered garden stretches towards the sea, meeting the vivid blue horizon in perfect harmony. This backdrop creates an atmosphere of tranquil seclusion and romantic escape. Flowers in varied tones of red and pink punctuate the greenery, indicating a well-tended and blooming environment.Godward’s use of light enhances the ethereal quality of the scene, with the sunlight delicately highlighting the textures of marble, skin, fabric, and fur. Every element in *When The Heart Is Young* coalesces into a vision of peaceful repose, reflecting the tenderness and innocence implied by the painting’s title.


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John William Godward was an English painter from the end of the Neo-Classicist era. He was a protégé of Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema, but his style of painting fell out of favor with the rise of modern art.

Godward was born in 1861 and lived in Wilton Grove, Wimbledon. He was born to Sarah Eboral and John Godward (an investment clerk at the Law Life Assurance Society, London).