Study of Horses (c. 1886)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Edgar Degas' "Study of Horses" presents an artful exploration of equine anatomy, showcasing the artist’s adept skill in capturing movement and form. Created around 1886, this arresting study is not just a depiction of horses but a masterful artwork that communicates the dynamic essence of these elegant animals.The piece serves as a series of sketches detailing various poses and movements of horses, sketched with both precision and fluidity. The drawing, done on brown paper, employs white and dark hued chalks, lending a striking contrast that accentuates each stroke and delineation made by Degas. One can observe the muscularity and tension in the horse’s bodies, the delicacy in their limbs, and their spirited expressions captured in mere moments of artistic contemplation.Centered on the page, the main sketch depicts two horses, possibly in motion or being trained, with a faint outline of a rider atop. The surrounding sketches appear to explore different angles and details of the horse’s physique, perhaps study pieces for larger compositions.This artwork not only reflects Degas’ fascination with horses, a recurring subject in his oeuvre, but also highlights his boundary-pushing approach to traditional subjects. Each stroke carries a rhythm, making this piece an exemplary study on movement and form, qualities that Degas is celebrated for across his prolific body of work."Study of Horses" transcends a mere zoological study, inviting viewers to appreciate the grace and power inherent in these noble creatures, captured forever through Degas’ discerning eye.


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Edgar Degas was a French Impressionist artist famous for his pastel drawings and oil paintings. Degas also produced bronze sculptures, prints and drawings. Degas is especially identified with the subject of dance; more than half of his works depict dancers.