Heinäkuun Viides Päivä -Runon Välivinjetti, 1897 - 1900

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The artwork titled "Heinäkuun Viides Päivä -Runon Välivinjetti," created by Albert Edelfelt during the years 1897 to 1900, presents a captivating ink drawing that portrays a serene landscape. The scene depicted is expansive and scenic, capturing a wide vista of a lake studded with numerous islands. The islands are variously shaped, some larger with distinct tree lines and smaller outcroppings that create a sense of depth and scale across the body of water.Edelfelt uses a loose and expressive line technique to define the features of the landscape. The foreground includes detailed vegetation and a few tall trees, which seem to be located on a rise or hill, providing a vantage point over the water. By contrast, the background is more simplified, indicating distant land and water with horizontal lines and lighter strokes, which helps to give the artwork a sense of atmospheric perspective.The tranquility of the scene suggests the beauty of Finnish nature, likely in midsummer given the title references July. The minimalistic yet evocative style of Edelfelt's pen strokes skillfully conveys both texture and the ephemeral qualities of natural light and air. Overall, the composition is peaceful and reflective, inviting the viewer to appreciate the lush, serene environment typical of the Finnish landscape.


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Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905) was a renowned Finnish painter. He showed an interest in painting and drawing from a young age and went on to study at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerpt, Belgium. After his studies, he moved to Paris and became a prominent figure in the Parisian art scene. Edelfelt's paintings were mostly inspired by history, and he captured the emotions and atmosphere of the era he portrayed skillfully. He was also known for his exquisite portraiture, which he executed with precision and attention to detail. Edelfelt passed away on August 18, 1905, in Porvoo, Finland, but his legacy continues to live on. His work has been exhibited all around the world in major galleries and museums, and he is regarded as one of the most celebrated Finnish artists of all time.