Meditating Woman, Maiden Hair And Dogs

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This painting by Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof, titled "Meditating Woman, Maiden Hair and Dogs," is a striking black and white illustration that embodies a serene and mystical atmosphere. The central figure in this painting is a woman depicted in a state of meditation. She is seated in what appears to be a lotus position, often associated with meditation practices, which emphasizes her serene and contemplative state.The woman is enveloped by rich, intricate patterns of foliage and nature motifs, possibly representative of maiden hair ferns known for their delicate and intricate beauty. These natural elements could symbolize growth, nature, and a connection to the earth, reinforcing the theme of meditation and inward reflection.Flanking the woman are two symmetrical figures that resemble dogs. These creatures appear calm and protective, sitting peacefully next to her, which might suggest loyalty, guardianship, and the idea of being grounded or protected during meditative practices.Overall, the interplay of human and nature motifs, alongside the spiritual symbolism of the dogs, creates a harmonious and tranquil composition that invites viewers to contemplate inner peace and the deeper connections between living beings and the natural world. The use of stark black and white enhances the visual impact and focuses the viewer's attention on the forms and symbolism within the artwork.


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Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof (1866-1924) was a Dutch painter and decorative artist from the Arts and Crafts Movement, which held great importance in the area of Dutch Art Nouveau. He was one of the founding members of the association “Labor et Aartes” together with other students from the art academy in Hague. Dijsselhof was an all-round artist who created furniture, bookbindings, textiles, embroidery patterns and more. He was inspired by the great artists of the movement such as William Morris and Walter Crane.