Two Antelopes

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This artwork by Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof, titled "Two Antelopes," presents a striking and stylized depiction of two antelopes. The silhouette-like figures are set against a muted green background, which helps in highlighting their forms. The antelopes are portrayed in a symmetric pose, almost creating a mirrored image of each other. Their sleek, elongated bodies and the interlocking of their horns at the center draw the viewer's eye to the middle of the composition, which also seems to form a third, abstract shape resembling perhaps a tribal mask or another figure. The use of bold, black lines against the contrasting background and the simplicity in the design gives this artwork a modern, graphic feel, emphasizing shape and form over detail. This style is evocative of some forms of traditional printmaking, where simplicity and clarity of the design are paramount.


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Gerrit Willem Dijsselhof (1866-1924) was a Dutch painter and decorative artist from the Arts and Crafts Movement, which held great importance in the area of Dutch Art Nouveau. He was one of the founding members of the association “Labor et Aartes” together with other students from the art academy in Hague. Dijsselhof was an all-round artist who created furniture, bookbindings, textiles, embroidery patterns and more. He was inspired by the great artists of the movement such as William Morris and Walter Crane.