Still Life With Tea Cup

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This enchanting painting titled "Still Life With Tea Cup" by Samuel Colman captivates the viewer with its intricate details and fascinating composition. At first glance, the central figure in this artwork is a beautifully detailed tea cup, set delicately on a saucer. The tea cup is richly decorated with ornate patterns featuring shades of red and gold, complemented by an elegantly curved handle.The background and the surrounding elements are what set this painting apart, blending traditional still life motifs with an almost whimsical array of colors and forms. Behind the tea cup, you can see a backdrop that seems to be composed of fabric or wallpaper with a vivid pattern, featuring red and blue colors. Around the cup, there are depicted elements of nature like branches and that possibly look like cherry tomatoes or small fruits, which add a touch of organic life to the scene.A key aspect of this painting is the play of textures and colors, which creates a rich tapestry that feels both familiar and fantastical. The tonal variations and the soft, almost impressionistic application of the medium, likely watercolor, give the scene a dreamlike quality.Overall, the painting "Still Life With Tea Cup" by Samuel Colman is a beautiful example of how everyday objects can be transformed into a captivating visual story through art. It invites viewers to look closer and appreciate the beauty in the mundane, enriched by the artist’s imaginative perspective and meticulous detail.


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Samuel Colman (1832-1920) was an American designer, painter and writer, best known for his paintings of the Hudson River. A son of a bookstore owner in19th century New York, he may have been influenced by the artistic clientele from his early days to delve into the world of Arts. He attended Hudson River School under the guidance of his teacher, Asher Durand. He was one of the founding members and the first president of The American Watercolor Society, and also an avid traveler, exploring France, Spain and the Mediterranean. His travels inspired his works of beautiful foreign landscapes. 

Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
