Milking time (1904)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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“Milking Time” is a captivating illustration by Udo Keppler, an artist known for his sharp and satirical depictions of political and social realities of early 20th century America. Created in 1904, this painting is imbued with symbolism and critique, reflecting Keppler’s keen insight into the dynamics between economics and politics.The artwork presents a richly colored and expressive scene featuring a large bull, vividly labeled with the words "Wall Street" on its collar. This reference unmistakably personifies the bull as a symbol of both the financial power and unpredictability associated with Wall Street. The bull's eyes, wide and alert, add a certain liveliness and intensity to the scene, suggesting the robust and often volatile nature of financial markets.Flanking the bull are two figures, each positioned as if milking the animal. Each individual is marked with political affiliations: one with a label on his bucket reading “Democratic Campaign Fund” and the other, “Republican Campaign Fund.” Their attire and demeanors, along with the buckets they hold, are illustrative of the satirical tone of the painting, suggesting that both major political parties are equally intent on deriving benefit from the financial prowess of Wall Street.Keppler's use of humor and caricature not only entertains but also critiques the close relationship between government entities and economic giants, highlighting the ongoing interplay of influence and finance in American politics.


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Udo J. Keppler, since 1894. known as Joseph Keppler, Jr., was an American political cartoonist, publisher, and Native American advocate. The son of cartoonist Joseph Keppler (1838–1894), who founded Puck magazine, the younger Keppler also contributed to cartoons, and after his father's death became co-owner of the magazine under the name Joseph Keppler. He was also a collector of Native American artifacts.