Į savo miestą (2024)

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We are thrilled to present "Į savo miestą" (2024), a captivating painting by the gifted Lithuanian artist Modestas Malinauskas. This unique artwork offers a profound visual experience that combines elements of urbanism with a surreal, almost fantastical vision of a city."Į savo miestą," which translates to "Into My City," portrays a densely packed orb of buildings that appears to float mysteriously above a stark, linear pathway. This mass of structures is rendered in a rich palette of blues, grays, and neutral tones, highlighted by occasional bursts of muted colors that suggest life and activity within this self-contained metropolis. Each building is intricately detailed, displaying varied facades, windows, and exteriors that suggest a complex narrative of human habitation and architectural evolution.One of the most striking features of Malinauskas' work is the manner in which these buildings seem to defy gravity, organized into a globe that speaks to themes of isolation and connectivity. The convergence of multiple railroad tracks beneath the floating city hints at a convergence of paths or destinies, leading directly to the heart of this urban sphere."Į savo miestą" is a brilliant reflection on the nature of cities as both physical spaces and as hubs of human interaction. It challenges viewers to contemplate urban life from a new perspective, reconsidering the ways in which we connect to the places we inhabit.


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Hello, I am a Lithuanian artist Modestas Malinauskas. I was working as a fireman some time ago, now I am creating paintings.

Those paintings are born in my fantasies and dreams. Every single one has a story of its own. I always know the story, but sometimes it is not so easy to tell it in words. The easiest way for me to express it - is to paint it. 

My inspiration comes from traveling and different experiences in my life. What I see and what I feel stays with me and I express it with oil on canvases.

When painting, I often use artists knife and layering techniques. My works take some time to create, because of different layers of paint. I let the first few layers dry and after that, I apply transparent overlaps of paint. The end result is what you see. 

Enjoy my artworks! 

At REPRODUKCIJOS.LT you can find highest quality reproductions of Modestas Malinauskas artworks. They are printed on highest quality natural canvas, come stretched on a wooden frame and are ready to hang. Reproduction is a second best thing... after an original artwork.

If you are interested in originals, Modestas is an active artist and paints a few original paintings every year. If you are looking for an original artwork by Modestas, you can find and purchase them HERE!

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