Naktinis miestas (2024)

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Immerse yourself in the deep, shadowy hues of "Naktinis miestas" (Night City), a captivating painting by the accomplished artist, Modestas Malinauskas. This artwork, recently crafted in 2024, invites viewers into a densely woven urban landscape, illuminated by a labyrinth of golden and amber lights that seem to pulse with life against the encroaching darkness.The painting serves as a beautiful contradiction, displaying warmth amidst the cool, dark blue vastness of the night. The textured strokes and layers of colors enhance the feeling of depth and complexity, making the city's architecture almost palpable. Each window flickers like a private narrative, a small universe within the towering edifices that line the narrow city street."Naktinis miestas" is not just a visual experience; it is an invitation to ponder the unseen lives and untold stories that unfold behind each illuminated window. This piece stands as a testament to Malinauskas' mastery in portraying not just a cityscape, but the very soul of urban dusk.


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Hello, I am a Lithuanian artist Modestas Malinauskas. I was working as a fireman some time ago, now I am creating paintings.

Those paintings are born in my fantasies and dreams. Every single one has a story of its own. I always know the story, but sometimes it is not so easy to tell it in words. The easiest way for me to express it - is to paint it. 

My inspiration comes from traveling and different experiences in my life. What I see and what I feel stays with me and I express it with oil on canvases.

When painting, I often use artists knife and layering techniques. My works take some time to create, because of different layers of paint. I let the first few layers dry and after that, I apply transparent overlaps of paint. The end result is what you see. 

Enjoy my artworks! 

At REPRODUKCIJOS.LT you can find highest quality reproductions of Modestas Malinauskas artworks. They are printed on highest quality natural canvas, come stretched on a wooden frame and are ready to hang. Reproduction is a second best thing... after an original artwork.

If you are interested in originals, Modestas is an active artist and paints a few original paintings every year. If you are looking for an original artwork by Modestas, you can find and purchase them HERE!

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