Antiochus and Stratonice

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Antiochus and Stratonice" by Theodoor van Thulden is a dramatic and evocative painting that draws viewers into a compelling narrative of love and sacrifice from ancient history. The scene depicted in this masterful artwork is inspired by the story of Antiochus, the son of Seleucid Empire founder, King Seleucus I, who falls desperately ill due to his unspoken love for his stepmother, Stratonice.The painting captures a moment of poignant revelation, set in an opulently decorated chamber. The central figure of Stratonice, dressed in rich, flowing garments, stands dignified, her concern palpable as she learns about Antiochus's love for her, which is the secret cause of his illness. Antiochus, portrayed on the bed, appears weak and forlorn, his gaze possibly meeting Stratonice’s, filled with a mix of love and resignation.To the right, Seleucus I looks on, depicted as an older man with marked features and a long beard, symbolizing wisdom and regality. His expression is one of deep understanding and sorrow, realizing the sacrifice he must make for his son's well-being – to give up his own claim to Stratonice.Each character in the painting is rendered with careful attention to emotional expression, supporting the narrative’s depth. Van Thulden’s use of light accentuates the focal points of the painting—the bedridden Antiochus and the standing Stratonice—enhancing the dramatic effect. The surrounding attendants, the intricate architectural details, and the rich color palette further envelop the viewer in this moment of high drama and emotional intensity.


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Theodoor van Thulden was a painter, draughtsman and engraver from 's-Hertogenbosch. He is mainly known for his altarpieces, mythological subjects, allegorical works and portraits. He was active in Antwerp, where he had trained, as well as in Paris and his native 's-Hertogenbosch.