Triumph of Galatea (1659)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"The Triumph of Galatea" is an exquisite painting by Theodoor van Thulden, a Flemish artist known for his Baroque style, making this artwork from 1659 a celebratory exploration of mythological themes blended with dynamic motion and vibrant color. This painting vividly illustrates the story from Ovid's Metamorphoses, depicting the nereid Galatea riding across the sea on a shell chariot, joyfully accompanied by a jubilant entourage of sea creatures and cherubic figures.Galatea, the central figure, is portrayed with a radiant expression, suggesting her triumph and liberation after being pursued by the cyclops Polyphemus. She is drawn with ethereal grace and beauty, her skin luminously offset by the soft, flowing drapery and the vibrant blue of the sea. Surrounding her are various figures, including tritons and putti, who animate the scene with sounds of conch shells and a frolicsome atmosphere, highlighting the festive mood.Theodoor van Thulden's mastery in the use of light and shadow brings life to this mythic tableau, with the golden hues of dawn creating a backdrop that enhances the overall sense of movement and revelry.


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Theodoor van Thulden was a painter, draughtsman and engraver from 's-Hertogenbosch. He is mainly known for his altarpieces, mythological subjects, allegorical works and portraits. He was active in Antwerp, where he had trained, as well as in Paris and his native 's-Hertogenbosch.