Nøgen Kvindelig Model. Staaende. Profil mod højre (1886)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This evocative painting by Danish artist Vilhelm Hammershøi, titled "Nøgen Kvindelig Model. Staaende. Profil mod højre" (Nude Female Model. Standing. Profile to the Right, 1886), captures a moment of quiet introspection and simplicity. Known for his muted palette and tranquil interiors, Hammershøi here explores the beauty of the human form with a subdued and delicate approach.The composition showcases a female figure viewed from behind, standing in a subtle profile to the right. The play of light and shadow is masterfully rendered, with the figure's skin tone warm against the cool, diffused background. The contrast creates a sense of depth and volume, enhancing the soft curvature of her back and the gentle contours of her form.Hammershøi's brushwork is both precise and ethereal, suggesting rather than delineating every detail. This technique invites viewers to engage more deeply, filling in the soft indistinctions with their interpretation. The background is a masterful blend of whites and grays, with textural contrasts that emphasize the solitary figure's tangible presence.This work is representative of Hammershøi's understated yet profound style, reflecting his interest in capturing the essence of his subjects through a lens of serene contemplation. It is a celebration of form and light, a quiet examination of human solitude and grace that resonates with a timeless quality.


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Vilhelm Hammershøi, often spelled Vilhelm Hammershoi in English, was a Danish painter. He is known for his poetic, subdued portraits and interiors.

Vilhelm Hammershøi was born in 1864. Copenhagen, Denmark. The son of a wealthy merchant Christian Hammershøi and his wife Frederikke (née Rentzmann), Hammershøi studied drawing from the age of eight with Niels Christian Kierkegaard and Holger Grønvold, as well as painting with Vilhelm Kyhn.