Ascension Of The Virgin (1757-58)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The dynamic and visually stunning painting, "Ascension of the Virgin," by Austrian artist Franz Anton Maulbertsch, captures a celestial moment filled with motion and emotion. This work, created between 1757 and 1758, exemplifies Maulbertsch's mastery in blending vibrant colors and dramatic lighting, emblematic of the Baroque period.In the composition, the Virgin Mary is depicted ascending towards heaven, surrounded by a host of angels amidst a brilliant burst of divine light. Mary is clothed in radiant blue and white robes, symbolizing purity and her heavenly status. The gestures of her hands and her serene upward gaze emphasize her holiness and the miraculous nature of the event.Below Mary, the earthly realm is portrayed with intense emotion and energy. The apostles, diverse in expression and posture, are gathered around the empty tomb of Mary, gazing in awe or in fervent prayer as they witness her transcendence. The dynamic arrangement of figures and the contrasts between the light and dark areas enhance the dramatic impact of the scene, leading the viewer's eye upward along with the ascending figure of the Virgin.Franz Anton Maulbertsch's "Ascension of the Virgin" is not only a religious depiction but also a theatrical display of color, light, and human emotion, making it a compelling piece for both art enthusiasts and scholars.


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Franz Anton Maulbertsch (June 7 , 1724 - August 8 , 1796 ) was, alongside Martin Johann Schmidt , the most outstanding painter of the Austrian late Baroque . His expressive art initially broke with tradition, ultimately culminating in classicism and completing Austrian Baroque painting in an idiosyncratic and independent way.