Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert (born 1817), the Artist’s Uncle, as a Monk (1866)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert (born 1817), the Artist’s Uncle, as a Monk," painted by Paul Cézanne in 1866, captures a deeply personal and introspective portrait of the artist's uncle. This work stands out in Cézanne’s oeuvre for its intense and solemn expression, illustrating the unique blend of personal connection and the artist's evolving style.In this painting, Cézanne portrays his uncle not as himself but in an imagined role as a monk. The figure is cloaked in a traditional white hooded robe of a monk, detailed with a blue scarf draped around the neck, suggesting a sense of serene devotion or contemplation. His face, marked by a stern and thoughtful expression, draws viewers into a silent narrative about his persona and perhaps reflects the introspective nature of Cézanne himself.The artist’s mastery is evident in the way light plays across the fabric of the robe and the lifelike rendering of the flesh, set against a nondescript, muted background that ensures all focus is kept on the subject. The inclusion of a simple wooden cross, held prominently in the figure's hands, adds a profound symbolic layer to the portrait, emphasizing themes of faith and reflection.This painting not only showcases Cézanne’s skill in capturing human emotions and his technique in texture portrayal but also offers a glimpse into the personal life of the artist, providing a poignant connection to a figure influential in his life.


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Paul Cézanne was a French artist and Post-Impressionist painter whose work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th-century conception of artistic endeavour to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century.