Künstlerbildnis (sogenanntes Selbstbildnis) (1767)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Franz Anton Maulbertsch, an Austrian painter, is widely renowned for his expressive and dynamic style in the late Baroque period. One of his compelling works, titled "Künstlerbildnis (sogenanntes Selbstbildnis)" which translates to "Artist Portrait (so-called Self-Portrait)," showcases his skill in creating vivid and emotional portrayals.In this striking painting, Maulbertsch presents himself (or traditionally considered a self-portrait) in a thoughtful, yet assertive, posture. His gaze directly meets the viewer's, creating an intense and engaging experience. In one hand, he deftly holds a brush, and in the other, a palette adorned with splashes of color and brushes, signaling his readiness to work. His attire is informal, yet characteristic of an artist of his time, with a loosely worn shirt under a dark jacket and a red waistcoat, topped with a casual cap to complete his look.The surrounding palette is dark and subtly enigmatic, yet it harmoniously complements the focal point of Maulbertsch himself. A fascinating element is a small portrait within the painting, which subtly resides in the background. This artistic 'portrait within a portrait' adds layers of depth and possibly narrates a deeper connection or influence in Maulbertsch's life. It showcases his mastery in handling light and shadow, adding a dramatic flair that bolsters the emotional intensity of the portrait.Maulbertsch's work in this self-portrait is a testament to his introspective nature and his profound understanding of human expressions, making this painting not just a visual delight but also an exploration of the artist's psyche.


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Franz Anton Maulbertsch (June 7 , 1724 - August 8 , 1796 ) was, alongside Martin Johann Schmidt , the most outstanding painter of the Austrian late Baroque . His expressive art initially broke with tradition, ultimately culminating in classicism and completing Austrian Baroque painting in an idiosyncratic and independent way.