Circe II (1880 - 1932)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Circe II," crafted by the talented Henri van der Stok, is a captivating work that invites onlookers into the mystical world of Greek mythology. This striking print, with its bold black-and-white contrast, portrays Circe, a formidable enchantress known for her role in Homer's Odyssey. She is elegantly depicted amidst a lush background of ornate florals and patterns, her figure radiating a mystical and commanding presence.In this art piece, Circe stands holding a flower, symbolizing perhaps her dominion over nature and her ability to manipulate both floral and faunal realms. Adjacent to her are two majestic animals, likely the transformed victims of her potent witchcraft, illustrating her power and the dark undertones of her abilities. These elements combined create a narrative that is both enchanting and foreboding, capturing the essence of Circe's dual nature as both a nurturer and a menace.Henri van der Stok's use of stylized forms and intricate patterns not only highlights the thematic substance of Greek myths but also showcases his proficiency in creating visually striking compositions. "Circe II" serves not only as an artistic exploration of mythical narratives but also as a testament to van der Stok's unique artistic vision.


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Henri van der Stok was born in Indonesia and eventually settled in the Hague.

Van der Stok excelled in woodcut and lithography and did so with style and great skills as a draughtsman. His prints are consistently good. Van der Stok's flair for art deco design is is consistent throughout his oeuvre. In addition to his blockprints, he was also a gifted painter and stained glass artisan. He was a member of the Pulcri studio.