Orpheus speelt op zijn harp voor de dieren (1917 - 1920)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Orpheus Plays His Harp for the Animals" is a captivating print by the artist Henri van der Stok, created between 1917 and 1920. This piece beautifully illustrates the ancient legend of Orpheus, a musician and poet in Greek mythology, whose music had the power to charm all living things.In the artwork, Orpheus is depicted in the midst of a lush, tropical jungle, surrounded by an array of mesmerized animals. His figure, poised and serene, gracefully interacts with his harp, the strings of which seem to weave magic around the ensemble of creatures. Each animal, from the majestic lion and the attentive horse to the curious owls and reptiles, is drawn with intricate details that showcase van der Stok’s skill in creating vivid textures and contrasts.The dense foliage and exotic plants add a dense, mesmerizing backdrop to the scene, enhancing the enchanting atmosphere. This piece not only displays van der Stok's mastery in printmaking but also his ability to evoke emotion and narrative through stark black and white imagery.


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Henri van der Stok was born in Indonesia and eventually settled in the Hague.

Van der Stok excelled in woodcut and lithography and did so with style and great skills as a draughtsman. His prints are consistently good. Van der Stok's flair for art deco design is is consistent throughout his oeuvre. In addition to his blockprints, he was also a gifted painter and stained glass artisan. He was a member of the Pulcri studio.