Portrait of a Lady, called Bella Ibbetson, the Artist’s Second Wife

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to our latest exhibit showcasing the delicate and heartfelt drawing "Portrait of a Lady, called Bella Ibbetson, the Artist’s Second Wife" by Julius Caesar Ibbetson. This portrait, executed with finesse in watercolor and graphite on paper, captures the genteel appearance and graceful demeanor of Bella Ibbetson, the beloved second wife of the artist.The portrait, done in an oval format, presents Bella with a serene yet engaging expression. Her eyes, gently fixed forward, combined with the slight curve of her mouth, suggest a quiet composure laced with an undercurrent of warmth. The soft curls of her dark hair are elegantly styled, adorned at the top with a subtle yet tasteful tortoiseshell comb.Bella's attire, rendered in soft, muted tones with touches of light blue, adds to her dignified yet approachable visage. A delicate lace trim at her neckline and the sleeves of her dress harmonize with a simple yet striking blue necklace, which not only enhances her elegance but also draws attention to her refined poise.This portrait is not just a display of Julius Caesar Ibbetson's technical skill but also a poignant glimpse into his personal life, offering viewers a tender image of his wife. Through this artwork, we perceive not only the aesthetic sensibilities of the late 18th century but also a personal story woven into the threads of artistic history.


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Julius Sergius von Klever was a Baltic German landscape painter.

His father was a chemist who taught pharmacology at the Veterinary Institute. He displayed artistic talent at an early age and took lessons from Konstantin von Kügelgen. After completing his primary education, was enrolled at the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts where, at his father's insistence, he studied architecture. After a short time, however, he began to take landscape painting classes; first with Sokrat Vorobiev, then Mikhail Clodt.