Au soleil (1910)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Explore the ethereal beauty of Léon François Comerre's 1910 masterpiece, "Au Soleil" on our website. This exquisite painting captures two figures in a delicate dance with light and nature. The central figure, a nude woman, stands gracefully under a canopy of lush green leaves, her form illuminated by the gentle kiss of sunlight. Her pose, with arms gently lifted to hold a flowing veil above her head, suggests a moment of serene, almost ritualistic communion with the natural world. To her side, another figure gazes upward with an expression of joy and admiration, adding a layer of interaction and narrative intrigue.Comerre's skillful use of light and texture invites the viewer into a moment frozen in time, where the tranquility of the natural world converges with human grace and beauty.


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Léon François Comerre was a French academic painter, famous for his portraits of beautiful women and Oriental themes.

Comerre was born in Trélon, in the Département du Nord, the son of a schoolteacher. He moved to Lille with his family in 1853. From an early age he showed an interest in art and became a student of Alphonse Colas at the École des Beaux-Arts in Lille, winning a gold medal in 1867. From 1868 a grant from the Département du Nord allowed him to continue his studies in Paris at the famous École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in the studio of Alexandre Cabanel. There he came under the influence of orientalism.