Pierrot (1884)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Léon François Comerre's enchanting work, "Pierrot" from 1884, beautifully captures the delicately nostalgic and somewhat melancholic spirit of its subject. Set against a muted, almost ethereal background, the painting depicts Pierrot, a traditional character from late 17th-century French pantomime. Dressed in a loose, all-white costume that includes a large ruff around his neck, Pierrot is portrayed in a moment of tender melancholy as he impassively strums a guitar."Pierrot" is clothed in garments that are artistically exaggerated, enhancing the dramatic and theatrical quality of the portrait. His expression, coupled with the tentative hold on his guitar, suggests a deeply reflective or sorrowful moment, which is characteristic of the Pierrot figure, often portrayed as the pensive clown. Comerre’s skill shines in the detailed rendering of textures, from the silky fabric of Pierrot’s costume to the subtle, light-catching properties of his makeup.This piece is an exemplary reflection of Comerre's knack for combining clear and compelling character portrayal with a strong sense of aesthetic and texture, inviting viewers into a poignant narrative frozen beautifully on canvas. The painting not only conveys the quintessential attributes of Pierrot but also showcases Comerre’s mastery in merging realism with a poetic atmosphere.


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Léon François Comerre was a French academic painter, famous for his portraits of beautiful women and Oriental themes.

Comerre was born in Trélon, in the Département du Nord, the son of a schoolteacher. He moved to Lille with his family in 1853. From an early age he showed an interest in art and became a student of Alphonse Colas at the École des Beaux-Arts in Lille, winning a gold medal in 1867. From 1868 a grant from the Département du Nord allowed him to continue his studies in Paris at the famous École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts in the studio of Alexandre Cabanel. There he came under the influence of orientalism.