Wasserfall im Hochgebirge (1833)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Wasserfall im Hochgebirge (Waterfall in the High Mountains), painted by Adalbert Stifter in 1833, is a magnificent portrayal of nature's serene yet dynamic beauty. This landscape painting captures the essence of a rugged high mountain environment, complete with a lively waterfall cascading through rocky terrain.The painting features a foreground dominated by a vigorous waterfall, its waters frothing as they hit the boulders and driftwood caught in their flow. The crisp, clear water ebbs through the rocky landscape, reflecting the light and adding a sense of motion to the scene. Surrounding the waterfall are lush, dark green coniferous trees, grounding the painting with a feeling of enduring tranquility.In the middle ground, a striking mountain formation draws the eye, its sides covered in coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs, hinting at a diverse ecosystem. The background reveals towering snow-capped mountains shrouded in mist, creating a contrast with the foreground and adding depth to the scene. The sky, partially cloudy yet letting through beams of sunlight, complements the natural tone set by the landscape.Completed during a period when Romanticism was flourishing in the arts, Stifter’s work places a strong emphasis on the majesty and sublime qualities of the natural world. The intricate details of the foliage, rock textures, and water dynamics in "Wasserfall im Hochgebirge" showcase Stifter’s technical skill and deep appreciation for untouched wilderness.


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Adalbert Stifter (1805–1868) was an Austrian writer, poet, painter and pedagogue. Born in Oberplan, Bohemia (now Horní Planá, Czech Republic), he was the eldest son of a wealthy linen weaver. Better known as a writer, Stifter was able to convey vivid and engaging landscapes in both his writing and painting. At the end of his life, exhausted by physical and mental illnesses, the artist died of suicide.