Westungarische Landschaft – Blick vom Leithagebirge (1841)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Adalbert Stifter's oil painting "Westungarische Landschaft – Blick vom Leithagebirge" presents a picturesque glance at the western Hungarian landscape from atop the Leitha Mountains, created in 1841. The canvas is steeped in a tranquil mood, harmonizing the dramatic play of lights and shadows in its representation of nature, capturing a moment both timeless and enthralling.The large, weathered tree trunk on the left, showing signs of decay and resilience, dominates the foreground, offering a striking contrast with the delicate, expansive sky. The sky, perhaps the most dramatic element, shifts in color from a deep, stormy grey to lighter shades illuminated by the soft glow of the setting sun. The distant view fades into a serene lake or river, bordered by a distant shore and hills that nestle small structures, likely farmhouses.To the right, figures are seated peacefully, small and almost blending into the landscape, suggesting a harmonious coexistence with their environment. Their presence adds a human element to the scene, inviting viewers to contemplate the serene vastness and beauty of the natural world alongside them.Overall, Stifter's painting is a masterful blend of atmosphere and detail. It not only showcases the majestic beauty of the Hungarian landscape through its broad vistas and impressive skies but also touches on themes of human insignificance in the face of nature's grandeur.


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Adalbert Stifter (1805–1868) was an Austrian writer, poet, painter and pedagogue. Born in Oberplan, Bohemia (now Horní Planá, Czech Republic), he was the eldest son of a wealthy linen weaver. Better known as a writer, Stifter was able to convey vivid and engaging landscapes in both his writing and painting. At the end of his life, exhausted by physical and mental illnesses, the artist died of suicide.