Kevadmaastik (1928)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Lilly Walther's 1928 painting, "Kevadmaastik", masterfully captures the serene essence of an early spring landscape. This enchanting piece beckons viewers into a transitional world where the warmth of the sun begins to melt the last traces of winter. The scene is dominated by a central, budding tree, its branches adorned with delicate white blossoms that are possibly the first hopeful signs of spring. These blossoms stand in stark contrast to the still thawing ground, interspersed with patches of snow and mirror-like reflections in a tranquil pond.The background of the painting features muted hues of purples and blues - tall, wispy trees that sway gently under the soft, early spring sky. A faint impression of a yellow-roofed house suggests a distant human presence, seamlessly integrated with the natural surroundings.Walther's use of light and shadow, combined with her fluid brushstrokes, evokes a sense of peace and new beginnings, characteristic of spring's renewal. "Kevadmaastik" is not merely a depiction of a landscape but a celebration of change and the quiet moments of beauty that exist in our everyday surroundings.


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Lilly (Caroline Auguste Bertha) Walther (Valter) was a Baltic German artist and restorer.

She mostly Created flower and landscape pictures, still lifes and portraits (both oil paintings and watercolors ). The artist's ability to capture character is manifested primarily in drawings depicting children and portraits of Estonian peasants. SHe also worked in the field of ceramics and leather and textile art. In 1905 she participated in the design of the art salon of the Kluge & Ströhm bookstore in Tallinn.