Figuur zittend op een fazant op het strand (1925)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Figuur zittend op een fazant op het strand" (1925) by Bernard Essers is a striking expression of surrealism that challenges the bounds of reality through its visual narrative. This woodcut depicts a surreal, dream-like vision where a figure is seated on a grand, stylized pheasant on a beach, surrounded by swirling, dynamic wave patterns that dominate the lower portion of the composition.The figure, rendered with simple yet emphatic lines, appears contemplative or possibly commanding, holding a thin object that might suggest interaction or control over the situation. The waves around them are not only a testament to Essers' skill in capturing movement and fluidity in a notoriously rigid medium but also create a rhythmic pattern that seems almost musical. Above, the sky divides itself from the tumultuous sea, etched with lighter, more ethereal cloud forms that drift across the composition, providing a stark contrast to the dark, swirling waters below.Essers' use of contrast in this woodcut, with its dark bold lines against the stark whiteness of the paper, emphasizes the surreal and dramatic nature of the scene, inviting the viewer to ponder the story behind this mysterious and intriguing imagery.


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Bernard Essers (11 March 1893 – 13 May 1945) was a Dutch painter. His artistic contributions were showcased in the painting event of the art competition during the 1936 Summer Olympics. Furthermore, Essers' work was featured in the exhibition and sale titled Onze Kunst van Heden (Our Art of Today) held at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam in 1939.