At the Races (c. 1875)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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1875) by Edouard ManetEdouard Manet’s vivid painting "At the Races" captures a spirited moment at a horse racing event, showcasing the artist's remarkable ability to imbue his works with dynamic movement and an almost palpable sense of atmosphere. Painted around 1875, this work depicts three jockeys mounted on their racing horses, positioned in what appears to be a moment of calm before the storm of an impending race.The composition, characterized by Manet's loose brushwork that evokes both texture and motion, features the riders in a serene, grassy foreground. This intimate scene is juxtaposed against the excitement of a distant crowd, barely visible on the far side of the track. The crowd’s presence, rendered in quick, impressionistic strokes, serves as a stark contrast to the detailed depiction of the horses and their riders in the forefront.Each jockey is portrayed with a distinctive posture and attire, suggesting their preparedness and individual reactions to the moments leading up to the race. The artists' attention to the nuances of light and shadow articulates the muscles of the horses and the folds of the jockeys’ clothes, infusing the scene with life."At the Races" is a prime example of Manet’s genius in capturing modern life. It reflects the social and leisure activities of his time, presenting a snapshot that transcends the specific event to evoke the universal anticipation and energy of the competitive human spirit.


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Édouard Manet (1832–1883) was a French modernist painter and one of the first 19th century artists to paint modern life. His impressionist style is characterized by relatively small and thin brushstrokes that create emphasis on light depiction. Manet was one of the key artists in the transition from realism to impressionism, along with Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. However, he resisted involvement in any one specific style of painting, and only presented his work to the Salon of Paris instead of impressionist exhibitions. His early masterworks, The Luncheon on the Grass and Olympia, created great controversy and served as a rallying point for other young painters.