La neige à Port-Marly (1902)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"La neige à Port-Marly" (1902), painted by the notable French Post-Impressionist Maxime Maufra, is a serene and atmospheric depiction of a snowy day in Port-Marly, a small town near Paris. This artwork captures a tranquil winter scene, where a dusting of snow covers the landscape, reflecting a soft light that gives the whole scene a muted, almost ethereal quality.The painting invites viewers into a quiet afternoon with a lone figure dressed in a dark green coat, walking along a snowy path beside the river. The river itself, partially covered in ice and snow, creates a gentle contrast with the grey, overcast sky. Bare trees frame the composition, their intricate branches etched against the winter sky, enhancing the sense of stillness and the chilled air.In the background, small houses and possibly warehouses add a touch of human presence, painted in subtle shades of yellow and grey. The color palette is limited; soft whites, greys, and hints of pale yellow and green dominate, lending the painting a cohesive, subdued atmosphere.Maufra's skill in creating texture with brushwork is evident in how he renders the snow and reflections in the water, giving a tactile sense to the cold environment. "La neige à Port-Marly" not only highlights Maufra’s capacity to capture the beauty and quietude of a snowy landscape but also his ability to evoke emotion through a constrained use of color and a masterful handling of light. This painting is a exquisite example of the quiet beauty winter can hold, immortalizing a moment of peaceful solitude within the changing seasons.


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Maxime Maufra, was a French landscape and marine painter, etcher and lithographer.

Maufra first began painting at 18. He was encouraged to do so by two artists from Nantes such as the brothers Charles Leduc and Alfred Leduc and the landscape painter Charles Le Roux.